There are many beautiful blonde sex dolls made of TPE

 Most blonde sex doll customers prefer TPE because it is cheaper than silicone. There are many beautiful sex dolls BBW made of TPE. Personally, I recommend Vera, and you can check her out here: Q: Which one do you think is your favorite "silicone blonde sex doll"? And, you can buy her from here.

No other information is available at this time, such as weight, price or neck rotation demo. We will update this post when we get more information. Q: What type of payment method do most customers choose? All are very popular depending on what they will be approved for. Most people will pay by credit card or PayPal. Payment plans such as Bitcoin and Klarna are also popular.

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Therefore, any large, curvy huge ass sex doll is currently popular. Q: Which hair color is most appealing to buyers of blonde sex dolls? Kathy: Most customers like their life like huge ass adult dolls to be blonde or red. Q: What part of your day is the busiest? Kathy:I'm usually busiest in the morning (EST) because I'm answering all the tickets and inquiries from the night before.

And my second favorite love doll is Daria. you can see her here. I have a lot of favorite dolls that can be found on the sexdolltech website. Q: What TPE dolls do you usually recommend to people on a budget? So the right doll depends entirely on what kind of love doll they like.

Q: What type of BBW love doll do they like best based on their body type - young teens, MILF or BBW love dolls? Kathy: There is usually a good mix of clients, but I have noticed that many of them like big ass dolls. Most men seem to be looking for a "real" huge ass adult doll, not a supermodel (those are popular too).


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